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“Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr” — 2018/​2019 residencies

Baege 186013

The 2018/2019 residencies focused on artists whose work examines the relationship between identity and territorial ascriptions. Urbane Künste Ruhr investigated these themes in a range of formats in 2019.

The twelve month residencies were awarded to the artists Wasim Ghrioui (Syria) and Mohamed Altoum (Sudan). These residencies are associated with the Silent University Ruhr, a multilingual network of refugee academics supported by Ringlokschuppen Ruhr. Those active here have already been working for years on permitting the expertise of refugees in the region to be heard. The working base for these residencies was in Mülheim an der Ruhr.

The three month grants are linked to the KunstVereineRuhr, who have experience of several different residency programmes and offer ideal networking opportunities with a total of 16 buildings across the entire Ruhr region. The guests were Stacey Gillian Abe (Uganda), Céline Berger (France), Jan Brokof (Germany), Achim Lengerer (Germany), Viola Relle and Raphael Weilguni (Hungary/Germany), Matshelane Xhakaza (South Africa), Paul Wiersbinski (Germany) and Katrin Winkler (Germany).

Stacy Gillian Abe baege 190199 ret Artist ©

Stacey Gillian Abe

Stacey Gillian Abe’s concepts highlight specific complex situations as autobiographical documentation drawn from earlier and continuous experiences.

Mohamed Altoum baege 193001 ret Artist ©

Mohamed Altoum

Mohamed Altoum is a Sudanese visual artist, photographer and cameraman. n his works he combines selected visual impressions with storytelling.

Celine Berger baege 195920 ret Artist ©

Céline Berger

Often involving external participants, managers, coaches, employees, Céline Berger creates objects, videos and installations exploring our professional lives.

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Jan Brokof

Jan Brokof was born in former Eastern Germany. In his early work the social environment of his youth with its Plattenbau apartment buildings and the chimneys play a prominent role.

Wasim Ghirioui baege 189474 ret Artist ©

Wasim Ghrioui

During 2018/2019 Wasim Ghrioui is participating in our residency programme “Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr”.

Achim Lengerer baege 187745 ret Artist ©

Achim Lengerer

Achim Lengerer explores medial language in his practice. He examines images, texts and original soundtracks as vehicles for political power and emancipatory potential.

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Viola Relle & Raphael Weilguni

Viola Relle und Raphael Weilguni arbeiten seit 2012 zusammen. Sie modellieren gleichzeitig an zum Teil großen Keramiken, die zu Relikten eines Kommunikations- und Verhandlungsprozesses werden.

Paul Wiersbinski baege 189517 ret Artist ©

Paul Wiersbinski

Wiersbinskis projects operate at the interface between art, science and technology, touching on architectural discourse, entomology (the study of insects) and cybernetics.

Katrin Winkler baege 195895 ret Artist ©

Katrin Winkler

Katrin Winkler is an artist and filmmaker based in Berlin. She work in the fields of expanded cinema, critical research, photography and video.

Matshelane Xhakaza baege 189421 ret Artist ©

Matshelane Xhakaza

Matshelane Xhakaza is a South African artist. The point of departure for Xhakaza’s work is her immediate environment and the artist’s personal, everyday experiences.