The 2018/2019 residencies focused on artists whose work examines the relationship between identity and territorial ascriptions. Urbane Künste Ruhr investigated these themes in a range of formats in 2019.
The twelve month residencies were awarded to the artists Wasim Ghrioui (Syria) and Mohamed Altoum (Sudan). These residencies are associated with the Silent University Ruhr, a multilingual network of refugee academics supported by Ringlokschuppen Ruhr. Those active here have already been working for years on permitting the expertise of refugees in the region to be heard. The working base for these residencies was in Mülheim an der Ruhr.
The three month grants are linked to the KunstVereineRuhr, who have experience of several different residency programmes and offer ideal networking opportunities with a total of 16 buildings across the entire Ruhr region. The guests were Stacey Gillian Abe (Uganda), Céline Berger (France), Jan Brokof (Germany), Achim Lengerer (Germany), Viola Relle and Raphael Weilguni (Hungary/Germany), Matshelane Xhakaza (South Africa), Paul Wiersbinski (Germany) and Katrin Winkler (Germany).