Von Oktopussen, Kreuzfahrten und dem Unruhig-Bleiben in der Gegenwart

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The octopus is an animal with three hearts and eight tentacles that adapts to its environment by changing colour and shape and can communicate with it. Claimed to be particularly intelligent, its brain is distributed over its entire body and uses tactile sensing to access its environment. The scientist Donna J. Haraway coined the term "tentacular thinking" in reference to his behaviour. This proposes a sensual approach to the (surrounding) world that thinks the relationship between humans, plants and nature free of domination.

For the Ruhr Ding: Schlaf, the Viennese artist collective God's Entertainment is developing a larger-than-life, inflatable and walk-in installation whose shape is reminiscent of an octopus. The sculpture is complemented by a lively scenery inside the building that creates the illusion of a cruise ship that has become bogged down.

In conversation with Britta Peters, God's Entertainment will present their work and discuss not only the seemingly anachronistic promise associated with a cruise, but also the possibilities of a tentacular, sensual apprehension that holds new paths for our present beyond an individually focused way of thinking.

Organized by Saalbau Witten.


Foyer im Saalbau Witten
Bergerstraße 25
58452 Witten

preview Video


  • Thursday
    19 h

    Von Oktopussen, Kreuzfahrten und dem Unruhig-Bleiben in der Gegenwart

  • GODS real deal photo peter mayr Artist ©

    God's Entertainment

    The Viennese theatre collective God’s Entertainment has been working since 2006 in different team constellations on projects in the areas of performance, happening, the visual arts and sound.