Alexandra Pirici

In performative actions lasting several hours, Alexandra Pirici combines contemporary dance with language and space. The choreographies create a hybrid between exhibition and performance, whereby Pirici perceives the human body as a material that performs sculpturally in the space. Textual and pictorial fragments from current discourses around technological development and the historiography of global events are content that serves as a point of departure. Her artistic explorations revolve around the possibility of a collective body in time and space, as well as the timeliness of performance in the context of contemporary event culture. Alexandra Pirici is developing a new, location-specific work in the former locker and washroom of Kokerei Hansa in Dortmund, where live performers interact intermittently with a hologram. Referring to both industrial and immaterial forms of work, she questions the body as a territory.
Alexandra Pirici [born 1982] lives in Bucarest.

AP portrait Credit Andrei Dinu
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Vermessung des Körpers

A Wandersalon as part of the series Ermüdung und Versorgung, a cooperation between Urbane Künste Ruhr and the Institute for Theatre Studies at the Ruhr University Bochum.

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Alexandra Pirici

Alexandra Pirici is currently developing a piece for Ruhr Ding: Territorien. She is presenting her work during the preparatory process, providing a foretaste of her latest project.

Ruhr Ding Alexandra Pirici 6551 Specials ©

Human Landscape

The hologram installed in the Waschkaue imagines a body that is both atomised and composite in relation with a live, human performer that interacts with the holographic image.