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Euridice Kala

Euridice Getulio Kala is an artist based in Paris. She was trained as a photographer at the Market Photo Workshop, Johannesburg. Recent performances and solo exhibitions include Mackandal Turns into a Butterfly: A Love potion (2018), Le Pouvoir du Dedans, La galerie Cac de Noisy-le-Sec (2018), Euridice Kala Shows and Doesn’t Tell, galerie Saint-Severin (2018), Scores of Labor (Untitled Composition i), Instituto Camoes, Maputo, Mozambique (2018), Mistake! Mistake! said the rooster… and stepped down from the duck, Lumiar Cité, Lisbon (2017), Infecting the City festival, Cape Town (2017) and Co-habitar, Casa da America Latina, Lisbon (2017). She was nominated for the SAM art Prix (2018) and the prize for contemporary talent, François Schneider Foundation (2018). Kala’s work will be included in the 4th Triennial Small-scale Sculpture, Fellbach, Germany in 2019 and she will be artist in residence at Urbane Kuenste Ruhr in Germany in 2019-2020. She is the founder and co-organiser of e.a.s.t. (Ephemeral Archival Station), a lab and platform for long-term artistic research projects, established in 2017.

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